One-day Course

While supporting care leavers through the leaving care process, it is important to recognise the complex nature of growing up and moving into adulthood.

Care experienced children and young people are likely to face additional complexities due to their experiences. These can significantly impact on the way they might engage in the leaving care process and their ability to cope once they have moved into independent living.

This one-day course will explore child development and attachment theories in relation to care experienced children and young people, implementing a trauma informed approach to address the impact abuse and neglect along with other Adverse Childhood Experiences may have on children and young people, and the process of grief and loss experienced during the care leaving process.

This training will be delivered using a child and human rights approach to ensure practice is inclusive and considerate of the experiences and needs of all children and young people.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the journey for care experienced young people when leaving care including best practice, theory, legislation, guidance and learning from serious case reviews; 
  • Understand the significance of transitions for care experienced children and young people;
  • Understand practitioners’ roles and responsibilities in facilitating transitions with children and young people who are care experienced;
  • Learn about and consider how to apply a variety of direct work techniques to improve skills and confidence in supporting care leavers.

This course is aimed at managers and practitioners working with care experienced young people in social care, health and education, other statutory agencies, voluntary and third sector organisations, who want to improve their direct work and engagement skills to best support care leavers.

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Cwrs Undydd

Wrth gefnogi’r rhai sy’n gadael gofal drwy’r broses gadael gofal, mae’n bwysig cydnabod natur gymhleth tyfu i fyny a symud i fyd oedolion.

Mae plant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi bod mewn gofal yn debygol o wynebu cymhlethdodau ychwanegol oherwydd eu profiadau. Gall y rhain effeithio'n sylweddol ar y ffordd y gallent gymryd rhan yn y broses gadael gofal a'u gallu i ymdopi unwaith y byddant wedi symud i fyw'n annibynnol.

Bydd y cwrs undydd hwn yn archwilio datblygiad plant a damcaniaethau ymlyniad mewn perthynas â phlant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi bod mewn gofal, gan roi dull sy’n seiliedig ar drawma ar waith i fynd i’r afael â’r effaith y gall cam-drin ac esgeulustod ei chael ar blant a phobl ifanc, ynghyd â Phrofiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod. proses o alar a cholled a brofwyd yn ystod y broses gadael gofal.

Bydd yr hyfforddiant hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno gan ddefnyddio ymagwedd plant a hawliau dynol i sicrhau bod ymarfer yn gynhwysol ac yn ystyriol o brofiadau ac anghenion pob plentyn a pherson ifanc.

Canlyniadau Dysgu:

  • Deall y daith ar gyfer pobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal wrth adael gofal gan gynnwys arfer gorau, theori, deddfwriaeth, canllawiau a dysgu o adolygiadau achosion difrifol;
  • Deall arwyddocâd pontio i blant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi bod mewn gofal;
  • Deall rolau a chyfrifoldebau ymarferwyr wrth hwyluso pontio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal;
  • Dysgu am ac ystyried sut i gymhwyso amrywiaeth o dechnegau gwaith uniongyrchol i wella sgiliau a hyder wrth gefnogi rhai sy'n gadael gofal.

Mae'r cwrs hwn wedi'i anelu at reolwyr ac ymarferwyr sy'n gweithio gyda phobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal ym maes gofal cymdeithasol, iechyd ac addysg, asiantaethau statudol eraill, sefydliadau gwirfoddol a thrydydd sector, sydd am wella eu sgiliau gwaith uniongyrchol ac ymgysylltu er mwyn rhoi'r cymorth gorau i'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal.

Archebwch Yma

Book tickets

Ticket Cost Quantity
22 January | Ionawr 2025 Free
Registered Charity / Elusen Gofrestredig 1020313. Company limited by guarantee / Cwmni cyfyngedig trwy warant 2805996. Head office / Pencadlys: 21 Windsor Place / Plas Winsor, Cardiff / Caerdydd CF10 3BY
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