Children's Rights Thematic Webinar Series - Session 5
Crisis after Crisis – the impact on babies, young children and families
Online via Teams
Sally Hogg, co-author of the ‘Casting Long Shadows’ report, will share the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on babies, their families and the services that support them.
The pandemic and its impacts are not over. It is having a lasting effect on many babies’ and children’s wellbeing and development, and on the ability of services to meet their needs. More babies and children’s outcomes are falling behind where we would expect them to be, and many services are reaching a crisis point where they are unable to meet families’ needs.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures put in place to control it have had a significant impact on all of our lives. Babies and toddlers experienced the pandemic during a particularly pertinent time for them and their families – a time of rapid development for children, and a key transitional period for families when they would normally rely on friends, families and professional services.
Secondly, the Early Years Action Group will present on the cost of living crisis and how now, more than ever, babies, young children their families and the professionals who support them need help and support.
Research shows that more than one in three children in Wales are living in poverty. Babies and very young children are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of poverty. Growing up in poverty can have negative effects from two directions: access to opportunity is reduced through limited resources, and parental and family stress are increased because of the challenges of living with a constrained income.
Despite the gravity of these global challenges, with the right support at the right time, families can live happy and healthy lives.
Cyfres Gweminar Thematig Hawliau Plant: Sesiwn 5
Argyfwng ar ôl Argyfwng - yr effaith ar fabanod, plant ifanc a theuluoedd
Arlein trwy Teams
Bydd Sally Hogg, cyd-awdur yr adroddiad 'Casting Long Shadows', yn rhannu effaith barhaus pandemig COVID-19 ar fabanod, eu teuluoedd a'r gwasanaethau sy'n eu cefnogi.
Nid yw'r pandemig a'i effeithiau ar ben. Mae'n cael effaith barhaol ar les a datblygiad llawer o fabanod a phlant, ac ar allu gwasanaethau i ddiwallu eu hanghenion. Mae mwy o fabanod a chanlyniadau plant ar ei hôl hi lle bydden ni'n disgwyl iddyn nhw fod, ac mae llawer o wasanaethau'n cyrraedd pwynt argyfwng lle nad ydyn nhw'n gallu cwrdd ag anghenion teuluoedd.
Mae pandemig COVID-19 a'r mesurau a roddwyd ar waith i'w reoli wedi cael effaith sylweddol ar ein bywydau i gyd. Profodd babanod a phlant bach y pandemig yn ystod cyfnod arbennig o berthnasol iddyn nhw a'u teuluoedd – cyfnod o ddatblygiad cyflym i blant, a chyfnod trosiannol allweddol i deuluoedd pan fydden nhw fel arfer yn dibynnu ar ffrindiau, teuluoedd a gwasanaethau proffesiynol.
Yn ail, bydd y Grŵp Gweithredu Blynyddoedd Cynnar yn cyflwyno ar yr argyfwng costau byw a sut nawr, yn fwy nag erioed, mae babanod, plant ifanc eu teuluoedd a'r gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n eu cefnogi angen help a chefnogaeth.
Yn ôl ymchwil, mae mwy nag un o bob tri phlentyn yng Nghymru yn byw mewn tlodi. Mae babanod a phlant ifanc iawn yn arbennig o agored i effeithiau tlodi. Gall tyfu i fyny mewn tlodi gael effeithiau negyddol o ddau gyfeiriad: mae mynediad at gyfle yn cael ei leihau drwy adnoddau cyfyngedig, ac mae straen rhieni a theuluol yn cael eu cynyddu oherwydd yr heriau o fyw gydag incwm cyfyngedig.
Er gwaethaf difrifoldeb yr heriau byd-eang hyn, gyda'r gefnogaeth gywir ar yr adeg gywir, gall teuluoedd fyw bywydau hapus ac iach.