Helping Care Experienced People to Escape the Poverty Trap
In the fifth of our series of poverty related webinars, Children in Wales and Voices from Care Cymru will share how both organisations are working together to mitigate the impact of poverty on the care experienced community.
In areas of high deprivation in the UK, one in every 60 children, compared to one in every 600 children in the general population, become care experienced. As these children become adults, due to a myriad of factors, such as trauma, multiple placements and missed schooling, they are less likely to continue in education and training and more likely to need to survive on state benefits. If young people are working, they are more likely to be on Zero Hour contracts, with irregular pay and prey to the "pay day loan" market. 57% of care experienced young people are in debt and one in four homeless young people are care experienced. This is stark evidence that the cycle of poverty continues.
In this webinar, Children in Wales and Voices from Care Cymru focus on what their joint venture - the ‘Getting Ready Project’ - is doing to try and break this cycle. They will:
* Outline their work to prepare and support care experienced young people for transitioning to independence
* Detail the scope of the project, including the provision of one-to-one support to assist young people gain skills in a range of money and tenancy related topics, and the broader support to embed care experienced young people within their communities
At the webinar, you will also learn about the work to support and inform foster carers and other associated professionals, including training and the provision of resources and information.
Come along to the webinar and gain a greater understanding of the need for and purpose of the ‘Getting Ready Project’, how it works in practice to mitigate and reduce the risk of poverty and the resources that are freely available for you to use.
Kate Aubrey, Development Officer: Care experienced young people
Kate has been a practicing social worker for over a decade, with experience in Child Disabilities Teams, Child Looked After teams and intense family support. As part of her current role, she offers training to young people, foster carers and professionals around practical skills needed when transitioning from care. She is also responsible for developing resources to support this.
Emma Phipps-Magill, Service Manager, Voices from Care Cymru
Emma has 27 years experience of working with children and young people in the social care arena, and 17 years experience of operational management of national statutory advocacy services and external funded projects on an all-Wales basis. Emma is passionate in driving forward children rights in Wales, by breaking down the barriers faced by the care experienced community to ensure aspirational thinking and success.
Examples of Positive Practice - Can you help?
Are you working to mitigate the impact of poverty for children, young people and families, through local practice, policy or projects? If so, we’d love to hear about it.
We are looking for examples from across Wales that we can share with a wide audience through our series of poverty-related webinars. All examples are welcome regardless of size or setting, from internal staff awareness and changing attitudes, to community or county-wide projects. All have an important role to play and our audiences are keen to learn from you.
For further information or an informal chat about your work, please contact [email protected]
Helpu Pobl sydd â Phrofiad o Ofal i Ddianc rhag Magl Tlodi
Yn y pumed o’n cyfres o weminarau ynghylch tlodi, bydd Plant yng Nghymru a Lleisiau o Ofal Cymru yn rhannu sut mae’r ddau sefydliad yn cydweithio i liniaru effaith tlodi ar y gymuned sydd â phrofiad o ofal.
Mewn ardaloedd yn y Deyrnas Unedig sydd â lefelau uchel o amddifadedd, mae un o bob 60 o blant, o gymharu ag un o bob 600 o blant yn y boblogaeth gyffredinol, yn cael profiad o ofal. Wrth i’r plant hyn dyfu’n oedolion, yn sgîl llu o ffactorau, megis trawma, lleoliadau lluosog a cholli ysgol, maen nhw’n llai tebygol o aros ym myd addysg a hyfforddiant ac yn fwy tebygol o orfod goroesi ar fudd-daliadau’r wladwriaeth. Os yw pobl ifanc yn gweithio, maen nhw’n fwy tebygol o fod ar gontractau Oriau Sero, gyda chyflog afreolaidd, sy’n golygu eu bod yn darged i’r farchnad “benthyciadau diwrnod cyflog”. Mae 57% o bobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal mewn dyled, ac mae gan un o bob pedwar person ifanc sy’n ddigartref brofiad o ofal. Mae’r dystiolaeth boenus hon yn profi bod cylch tlodi’n parhau.
Yn y gweminar hwn, bydd Plant yng Nghymru a Lleisiau o Ofal Cymru yn canolbwyntio ar yr hyn mae eu menter ar y cyd – y ‘Prosiect Paratoi’ – yn ei wneud i geisio torri’r cylch hwn. Byddan nhw’n:
* Amlinellu eu gwaith ar gyfer paratoi a chefnogi pobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal i bontio i annibyniaeth
* Manylu ar gwmpas y prosiect, gan gynnwys darparu cefnogaeth un-i-un i gynorthwyo pobl ifanc i gaffael sgiliau mewn amrywiaeth o bynciau sy’n ymwneud ag arian a thenantiaeth, a’r gefnogaeth ehangach i wreiddio pobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal yn eu cymunedau
Yn y gweminar, byddwch hefyd yn dysgu am y gwaith i gefnogi a hysbysu gofalwyr maeth a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill cysylltiedig, gan gynnwys hyfforddiant a darparu adnoddau a gwybodaeth.
Dewch i’r gweminar i sicrhau dealltwriaeth well o’r angen am y ‘Prosiect Paratoi’ a’i bwrpas, sut mae’n gweithio’n ymarferol i liniaru a lleihau risg tlodi, a’r adnoddau sydd ar gael yn ddi-dâl i chi eu defnyddio.
Kate Aubrey, Swyddog Datblygu: Pobl ifanc â phrofiad o ofal
Mae Kate wedi bod yn weithiwr cymdeithasol sy'n ymarfer ers dros ddegawd, gyda phrofiad mewn Timau Anableddau Plant, timau Plant sy'n Derbyn Gofal a chymorth teuluol dwys. Fel rhan o'i rôl bresennol, mae'n cynnig hyfforddiant i bobl ifanc, gofalwyr maeth a gweithwyr proffesiynol ynghylch y sgiliau ymarferol sydd eu hangen wrth drosglwyddo o ofal. Mae hi hefyd yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu adnoddau i gefnogi hyn.
Emma Phipps-Magill, Rheolwr Gwasanaeth, Lleisiau o Ofal Cymru
Mae gan Emma 27 mlynedd o brofiad o weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc yn y maes gofal cymdeithasol, ac 17 mlynedd o brofiad o reoli gwasanaethau eiriolaeth statudol cenedlaethol a phrosiectau a ariennir yn allanol ar sail Cymru gyfan. Mae Emma yn angerddol am hyrwyddo hawliau plant yng Nghymru, drwy chwalu'r rhwystrau sy'n wynebu'r gymuned â phrofiad gofal er mwyn sicrhau meddwl a llwyddiant ysbrydoledig.
Enghreifftiau o Arfer Cadarnhaol - Allwch chi helpu?
A ydych yn gweithio i liniaru effaith tlodi i blant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd, drwy arfer lleol, polisi neu brosiectau? Os felly, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed amdano.
Rydym yn chwilio am enghreifftiau o bob rhan o Gymru y gallwn eu rhannu gyda chynulleidfa eang drwy ein cyfres o weminarau sy'n gysylltiedig â thlodi. Croesewir pob enghraifft waeth beth fo'u maint neu leoliad, o ymwybyddiaeth staff mewnol a newid agweddau, i brosiectau cymunedol neu sirol. Mae gan bawb rôl bwysig i'w chwarae ac mae ein cynulleidfaoedd yn awyddus i ddysgu oddi wrthych.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu sgwrs anffurfiol am eich gwaith, cysylltwch â [email protected]